PORTRAIT SESSION ENQUIRY FORM Uncategorized maestra December 10, 2021 Thanks so much for visiting my website. I’d love to capture some beautiful moments in time for you and your family, please fill out the form below and let me know what you have in mind! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *EmailConfirm EmailAddress *Contact Number: *What kind of portrait session are you interested in? *Family Portrait (up to 5 people)Child PortraitMaternity PortraitLarge or Extended Family Portrait (5+ people)OtherIf other, what kind of a portrait do you have in mind? *I'd love to hear if you have a special reason for planning your portrait session or if it's for a special event. *Would you prefer a studio or Ohiwa beach (or other outdoor local location) setting. Please keep in mind that outdoor sessions begin around one and a half hours before sunset. StudioOhiwa BeachOther locationIf it's another location where would you prefer the session to be? (20km round trip travel from Waiotahe is included in the session fee, extra km's are charged at $1 per km). *The portrait session fee for a one hour session which can include up to 5 family members is $155. Extra family members can be added at $45 per person or you can combine session fees for extended family portraits, eg. 2x$125 will cover up to 10 family members. How many famiy members would you like photographed.Please give the names, ages and family relationships of everyone being photographed. *The session fee covers the session only and does not include any digital images, prints or products. If your budget allows I do encourage you to order your precious memories as beautiful archival quality prints from my pro lab that will be a legacy to pass on to future generations, but I also have the option of digital images only. Hand edited, high resolution digital images are $45 per image and prints (with the digital file included) start from $50. Do you have in mind what you'd like? *I'd just like the digital files.I'd like a few lovely prints with extra images just as digitals.I'm really focussed on getting beautiful prints.I'd like to know about other options too, like large canvases etc.Do you have a particular budget in mind? *I'd love to know a bit more about your family, your personalities, interests, hobbies, anything special that you'd like to share that will help me to get to know you all a bit better so that I can take the best possible portraits of you all.If you have any particular images or group combinations that you would like take please share those here.Do you have a date in mind (depending on availability) when you would like to have your portrait session?The session fee(s) will need to be paid before the session and the session is only confirmed when we have agreed upon a date and I have received your payment. Your images and products can be paid off with regular weekly payments if you prefer. Which option do you have in mind?I'll be paying in full after choosing the images from my gallery.I would like to pay my images off and will start payments once I've chosen my edited images from my gallery.I would like to pay my images off and would like to start payment straight away to pay them off as quickly as I can.At the time of preparing this form we are transitioning into the new traffic light system and are finding out if under some situations (such as indoor studio sessions) I might be obliged to request vaccine passes. For this reason and to avoid putting anyone in an awkward situation, I would greatly appreciate hearing of you and your family's position with the vaccinations and if you have vaccine passes (without any judgement), just so that we can keep you well informed of any current governmental requirements etc. This may at times mean a portrait session needs to be postponed until our zone moves into a green light position. Thank you for your understanding during these difficult times but rest assured we will do all we can to make sure that no one misses out on precious family images.Submit